



This has been the first week in this new adventure. Still, I feel like I've been in it for a while now. This past month I have had the opportunity to get to know my classmates one by one. Unlike them, I already knew the city, I had a place to sleep and I also had friends around here. That's exactly why meeting them has been so special and exciting. It has been a breath of fresh air and a big break from my routine, which can sometimes be very monotonous.

I feel very privileged to meet such diverse people with such different backgrounds from all over the world. I think we all ended up here with the idea of learning from each other and creating projects together, and I have no doubt that this is what will happen.


On the first day of the bootcamp we had to bring a poster on the topic What is your fight?. On this poster we had to reflect any concern, personal interest or cause we wanted to fight or in our future. Thinking about how to approach this question was not so simple since there are many things to work on and a lot to change. I finally decided to focus my poster with the concept empathy.

There is a lack of empathy in politics, a lack of empathy with migrant people, a lack of empathy on gender issues, a lack of empathy between social classes, and so on. That is why I believe that we, the ones who are going to define what the world looks like in the coming years, have to focus on creating with empathy, with consciousness and inclusiveness.

In order to see the poster and the whole exercise, you can go to the Design Studio page or just click here.

What is your fight


During the week, we also visited ELISAVA and its spaces. We could see all the tools at our disposal in the workshops and laboratories (really impressive). We also had our first Studio Class there, where Oscar Tomico explained the difference between 1st, 2nd and 3rd person design and how important it is to get involved and surround yourself with the collective you are designing for. Designing in 1st person also allows you to see the resources at your disposal, the intra-relationships of the community, the infrastructures, etc.

The second part of the session was dedicated to getting to know our classmates better, telling each other about our skills, knowledge and attitude. It was a very useful exercise to start getting to know the background and intentions of the other members of the class. In addition, we were given the task of reflecting on our skills, knowledge and attitude on each of the subjects we are going to deal with in this master's course and, subsequently, thinking about what our challenges and aims are for this year.


On Thursday we had a session to get started on GitHub and begin building the website. At first, understanding what it was all about was a bit tricky as, in my case, I had never worked with Git or HTML before. However, after the class I discovered it was an interesting topic and started looking for more information. During the weekend I spent a lot of time creating my website from scratch, watching some HTML and CSS tutorials. Understanding what is behind the websites we visit and use every day was enlightening, and being able to design a website by writing code made me feel like a web design pro.


The week ended with a tour around some of the infinite art, creation and cooperation spaces in Poblenou. Firstly, we visited the headquarters of Poblenou Urban District, an art gallery where the whole project of collaboration with the different creative spaces in the neighbourhood is organised. After walking two streets we arrived at TransfoLAB, a workshop with the aim of creating new designs and forms from trash and obsolete objects. Then we visited BiciHub, a large building focused on the rehabilitation of bicycles to later give them a second life and also with a workshop where anyone can fix their own bike. Finally, we ended the visit at ConnectHort (soon Bioma), a place dedicated to gardening and community activities.

Getting to know these places was a wonderful experience and made me want to investigate and get to know more innovative places like these. I will need to find some time to do another tour on my own.

Tour Poblenou



    _Rural Spark: https://www.ruralspark.com/
    _Aquí: https://aqui.design/cat.html
    _Component Studio: https://componestudio.com/tailors
    _Tom Sachs